Saturday, April 3, 2010

my jupie

I am a only child and love the relationship I have with my parents, but at times I have wondered what it would be like to have a sister or brother. I see how much my husband loves his sister. I watch my children and although they fight a lot, they absolutely adore each other and miss each other when they are apart. My mom is the oldest of 10 kids (maybe that's why she just had one). Growing up we were around her family a lot. I'm close to my cousins, but especially close to my cousin Kenetha. My first memory is about her. Her family had come to my parents house to visit and she used the bathroom in my bedroom floor. Yes her using the bathroom in my floor is my first memory. When we were little we would talk about when we grew up, who we were going to marry and how our weddings would be. She was standing by me when I got married and I by her. So when I think about how it would be to have a sister, I think about my Kenetha, my Jupie.

I have two daughters that I am completely crazy about, but I would still like to have a little boy. I am super excited about Kenetha's baby because now I will have a little boy to spoil, but I won't have to go through being pregnant or the delivery.


Anonymous said...

These are such cute maternity pics! You are so talented, Davene!


Photography by Davene DeVore said...

Thanks Laura, I need to add more of her pics. There were several that turned out really cute.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to see them!


Davene said...

Hi, Davene!

I happened to stumble across your blog, and it intrigued me because my name is Davene, too! It's not often that I get to meet another Davene. :)

Your photography is beautiful; you're very talented. The "Push to Eject" picture made me laugh...I've never seen that before. :)

Have a wonderful day!

Morgan Bell said...

I love the "Push to Eject" photo! Super original!